Antees is switching to long-time rent! Don't hesitate and get your scooter! 🛵. Find more information on our blog.

More information

We are preparing a new app and a new look of the website!

Due to the update, the app will be temporarily unavailable on 8.3. from 12 PM to 12 AM. Look forward to a new look, easier to use and improved tariffs! Our customer support is available at +420 608 44 99 22.

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Do you want to have a scooter all to yourself?With us it is possible!

Long-term rental has many advantages

The scooter is controlled via your smartphone

No one else can see your scooter in the app

You can still see all the other shared scooters

Long-term rental of an electric scooter brings many advantages. Firstly, the scooter is fully controlled via an app, which ensures simple and convenient control of all functions. Secondly, thanks to the built-in GPS system, the scooter is constantly monitored, which increases safety and allows for easy localization. If there is any problem with your scooter, you will be provided with a replacement scooter within 24 hours so that you can continue your comfortable and hassle-free ride. Charging at all charging stations is included in the rental price.

Cargo nets and a large trunk will help you with any load

Cargo nets are under the handlebars and in the trunk

A large bulky trunk is available

Open the trunk via app and allow courier to put the package there

The use of a cargo net and a large trunk allows easy transportation of any cargo. Cargo nets are placed under the handlebars of the scooter and in the trunk, which ensures enough space for transporting bulky items. The scooter also has a large carrying capacity, which makes it possible to transport larger quantities of goods or heavier objects without problems.

Share your scooter!

Share your scooter with up to five people

Return the scooter back to the fleet and save money

You have a constant overview of your scooter

Do you have a large family? Lots of friends? You can share your scooter with up to five people via the app. In addition, if you are planning a vacation or simply do not want to ride for a while, you can return the scooter to the shared fleet for a while and thus reduce the rental price. But don't worry about your scooter, you will have a constant overview thanks to the application.

How does it work?

The price depends on the length of the rental period and number of ridden km per month

The price starts at CZK 2 999 per month

All price are without VAT

With a monthly driving distance of up to 750 km/month and a rental period of 12 months, the rental price is only CZK 2,999/month.

If you are interested, please email us at or call our customer service at 608 44 99 22. Everything controlled simply via the app. Charging at all charging stations included in the rental price.

Do you want to have your own scooter?

Contact us!
Děkujeme za zprávu. Ozveme se vám zpět jakmile to bude možné.
Jejda, něco se pokazilo. Zkuste to znovu za chvíli.
team Antees
+420 608 44 99 22
Weekdays 8 AM - 8 PM
Weekends, holidays 10 AM - 6 PM
Three Antees s.r.o.
Jateční 1615/45, Holešovice
170 00 Prague 7
Czech Republic
IČO: 19369158
DIČ: CZ19369158
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