Antees přechází na DLOUHODOBÉ PRONÁJMY! Neváhejte a ulovte si svůj skútr! Máte zbylé minuty? Stále je můžete využít. Nasedněte na skútr a vyrazte do ulic 🛵. Více informací naleznete na našem blogu.

Více informací

Připravujeme pro Vás novou aplikaci a nový vzhled webových stránek!

Nyní je dostupná nová aktualizace, jak v Google play, tak v Apple store. Klíčové funkce jsou k dispozici a nadále pro Vás přidáváme skútry.
Těšte se na nový vzhled, jednodušší ovládání a vylepšené tarify!
Naše zákaznická podpora je Vám k dispozici na +420 608 44 99 22.

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Dedicated fleet

Avoid the high upfront investment of buying your own fleet, rent them from us

What you get

We offer rental of a group of scooters that only you will have access to. We can also guarantee:
Replacement scooter in case of breakdown
Reporting z provozu
Fuel included in the rental price
Creation of a service zone (where the ride can be terminated) according to needs
Providing charging infrastructure near you
Mobile phone holder and helmet included in the rental price
Flexible possibility to increase the number of scooters

Advantages compared to a shared fleet

Only the owner can see the scooters in the app
More people can use one scooter (higher utilisation = lower costs)
The scooter can be retrofitted according to needs and wishes (different storage box, plexiglass, winter blankets, phone holders, etc.)
The scooter can be completely displayed in the company's colours (or fitted with banners to link it to a specific company that operates scooters)
Want to know more

How the service can be used

Delivery companies

Renewal of ageing fleet
Reduction of operating costs
Expressing an ecological mindset
Maintenance and care is provided
Immediate replacement in case of inoperability/accident of the rented scooter

Other companies

Mobility for employees without in-house fleet
Expressing an ecological mindset
Maintenance and care is provided

Working with us

Are you interested? Reach out!

We are also open to any other ideas for cooperation.

Děkujeme za zprávu. Ozveme se vám zpět jakmile to bude možné.
Jejda, něco se pokazilo. Zkuste to znovu za chvíli.
team Antees
+420 608 44 99 22
Weekdays 8 AM - 8 PM
Weekends, holidays 10 AM - 6 PM
Three Antees s.r.o.
Jateční 1615/45, Holešovice
170 00 Prague 7
Czech Republic
IČO: 19369158
DIČ: CZ19369158

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